Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Grunge. What it is and how to get there.

Remember early punk rock? In all of it's manifestations, music, dance, fashion, it embodied rebellion against what society defined as acceptable. Punk rock angrily stood forth in defiance of traditional values. Grunge exists as a modern cousin of punk. Here is what the Oxford Dictionary has to say:

grunge / grÉ™nj/ • n. 1. grime; dirt. 2. (also grunge rock) a style of rock music characterized by a raucous guitar sound and lazy vocal deliverythe fashion associated with this music, including loose, layered clothing and ripped jeans.

I would dare to add grunge art as a manifestation of grunge rock. It's dirty, unpredictable, rebellious, and urban. Practically, it contains a grainy texture, dark or muted colors, and frequently random elements.

"So," you ask, "How do I achieve this look on my shirts?" Well, I'm not smart enough to tell you, but these people are:




Good luck and have fun.

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Unknown said...

:D thank you for including my tutorial to the list!